Year 11
PDHPE is an optional elective in Year 11. Students receive 9 periods per 2 week cycle and study the Preliminary Course developed by the NSW Board of Studies.
The Preliminary Course runs for three terms with students studying the following Units of Study:
- Meanings of Health and Physical Activity
- Better Health for Individuals
- The Body in Motion
- First Aid
- Fitness Choices
In addition to the in-class requirements, students can expect to spend another 4-6 hours per week involved in preparing assessment tasks, homework and study.
Is there any practical work in PDHPE?
There are no “sport” type lessons similar to the 7-10 program. There will be occasional lab type activities involved where students may be monitoring heart rates during exercise for example. Basically, students will be in the classroom 95% of the time.
Year 12
Year 12 receive 9 periods of PDHPE per 2 week cycle. They follow the Higher School Certificate program developed by the NSW Board of Studies.